Aug 21, 2006
2006-08-20-1830 Dr. Steve Land,
president of Church of God Theological Seminary is the guest
speaker for 6:30 Sunday evening August 20th, 2006
Scripture Ref: Mark 10:35; II Corinthians 4:7-5:4
Topic: Holiness
- Sons of Zebedee looking to Share Jesus’ glory, not His
- Salvation is life amidst death,...
Aug 21, 2006
2006-08-20-1030 Dr. Steve Land,
president of Church of God Theological Seminary is the guest
speaker for 10:30 Sunday morning August 20th, 2006
Scripture Ref: Psalm 1:2
Topic: Holiness
- People have lost delight, lost sight of God’s perfect design
- God and Jesus’ name used in vain, without meaning
- When...
Aug 21, 2006
2006-08-20-0830 Dr. Steve Land,
president of Church of God Theological Seminary is the guest
speaker for 8:30 Sunday morning August 20th, 2006
Scripture Ref: I Chronicles 16:29
Topic: Holiness
- Everybody worships, people put together all kinds of religions,
some go to different churches but don’t belong to...