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Central Church Sermons

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Jun 15, 2009

2009-06-14-1030 Pastor Charles Mack, Sr. is the guest speaker this morning June 14th, 2009 in the 10:30 service.

Scripture Ref: John 17:13-21

Topic: Faithfulness


Jun 15, 2009

2009-06-14-0830 Pastor Charles Mack, Sr. is the guest speaker this morning June 14th, 2009 in the 8:30 service.

Scripture Ref: John 17:13-21

Topic: Faithfulness


Jun 9, 2008

2008-06-08-1030 Pastor Charles Mack, Sr. is the guest speaker this morning June 8th, 2008 in the 10:30 service.

Scripture Ref: I Peter 1; 2:2-3; 4:1-2

Topic: Holy Living

- Embrace the good of the Lord
- Liars and pretenders
- Desire the pure mild of the Lord
- Grudges, backbiting, bitterness, hatred
- Declare...

Jun 9, 2008

2008-06-08-0830 Pastor Charles Mack, Sr. is the guest speaker this morning June 8th, 2008 in the 8:30 service.

Scripture Ref: I Peter 1; 2:2-3; 4:1-2

Topic: Holy Living

- Embrace the good of the Lord
- Liars and pretenders
- Desire the pure mild of the Lord
- Grudges, backbiting, bitterness, hatred
- Declare war...

Nov 5, 2007

2007-11-04-1030 Pastor Charles Mack, Sr. is the guest speaker this morning October 31st, 2007 in the 10:30 service.

Scripture Ref: Psalm 77

Topic: Doubt

- Asaph, doubt
- When overwhelmed, remember God's Greatness
- God said it, that settles it.
- Why do we allow "stuff" to come between us and God?
- God's...