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Central Church Sermons

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Nov 28, 2005

2005-11-27-1830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening November 27th, 2005 in the 6:30 service.

Scripture Ref: I John 2:24-29; Rev. 2:18-20; Hebrews 3:12-14

Topic: Seducing & Lying Spirits

- We must read and pray, be filled with Holy Spirit that we may discern lying and seducing spirits
- Jezebel...

Nov 28, 2005

2005-11-27-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning November 27th, 2005 in the 10:30 service.

Scripture Ref: Romans 6:23; II Peter 2:7-8; John 15:19; I John 3:13; I Peter 4:2-4; Revelation 18:4

Topic: Sin

- Report on homes for Katrina victims
- Sin leaves a scar, consequences for life
- Moses knew God...

Nov 28, 2005

2005-11-27-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning November 27th, 2005 in the 8:30 service.

Scripture Ref: Romans 6:23; II Peter 2:7-8; John 15:19; I John 3:13; I Peter 4:2-4; Revelation 18:4

Topic: Sin

- Report on homes for Katrina victims
- Sin leaves a scar, consequences for life
- Moses knew God...

Nov 23, 2005

2005-11-22-1900 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this Wednesday evening November 22nd, 2005 in the 7:00 service.

Scripture Ref: Luke 17:11-19; Phillipians 4

Topic: Thanksgiving

- On Giving Thanks
- Jesus healing the lepers, leprosy representative of sin
- Jesus has healed us of the curse of sin – saved,...

Nov 21, 2005

2005-11-20-1030 Sunday morning November 20th, 2005 10:30 service. Doug Small is the speaker for this morning.

Scripture Ref: Acts 4:7-12

Topic: Condition of America

- Story of George Washington in battle
- Standards of our nation�s founding fathers, Constitution
- True explanation of Seperation of...