Aug 30, 2007
2007-08-29-1900 Mike Canady is the speaker for Central on Wednesday
evening August 29th, 2007.
Scripture Ref: Isaiah
Topic: Compassion
- Story of man at hospital with joy of the Lord, prayed for Mike's
- We try to do it on our own; we become weary
- Your body is the temple of the holy spirit; let...
Aug 27, 2007
2007-08-26-1830 Pastor Loran Livingston talks this evening August
26th, 2007 in the 6:30 evening service about faith.
Scripture Ref: Hebrews11:21; Numbers; Matthew 17:20
Topic: Faith
- Caleb's confession of faith; if God says it is ours, we need go
get it
- Arguments between faith in God’s word and what people...
Aug 27, 2007
2007-08-26-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning
August 26th, 2007 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture Ref: Revelation 12:10-17; Job
Topic: Endurance
- Satan always looking for something to destroy (God suggested
- Satan means "hateful enemy"
- God and Satan not equal; Satan subject to God
Aug 27, 2007
2007-08-26-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning
August 26th, 2007 in the 8:30 service.
Scripture Ref: Revelation 12:10-17; Job
Topic: Endurance
- Satan always looking for something to destroy (God suggested
- Satan means "hateful enemy"
- God and Satan not equal; Satan subject to God
Aug 23, 2007
2007-08-22-1900 David Niemeyer is the speaker for Wednesday evening
August 22nd, 2007.
Scripture ref: I John 2:24-25; II Corinthians 3:5; I Corinthians
15:10; Titus
Topic: Faithfulness
- Definitions of Abide
- If we endure, we'll reign with Him
- Be content in Him; reluctant to leave His presence
- Don't be caught...