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Central Church Sermons

(Audio Only)

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Aug 31, 2009

2009-08-30-1800 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening August 30th, 2009 in the 6:00 PM service.

Ref: 1 Cor 15:57; Col 2:15

Topic: Victory

- When you believe He gives you His completed work
- We already have victory
- Our thoughts should not be monopolized by issues, problems, children, finances...

Aug 31, 2009

2009-08-30-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning August 30th, 2009 in the 10:30 service.

Scripture: 2 Cor 7:9-11; Psa 51

Topic: : Repentance

- An unclean spirit returns to house swept and in order
- You either belong to heaven or hell
- A nation or individual trying to do better without God...

Aug 31, 2009

2009-08-30-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning August 30th, 2009 in the 8:30 service.

Scripture: 2 Cor 7:9-11; Psa 51

Topic: : Repentance

- An unclean spirit returns to house swept and in order
- You either belong to heaven or hell
- A nation or individual trying to do better without God...

2001 Sermons now available!

Aug 29, 2009

25 sermons from 2001 have been posted. These sermons were copied from tape so the quality is not as good as the later sermons.  To access the 2001 sermons, click on the 2001 link under the "Archives by Year" heading on the right side of this page or follow this link:

2001 Sermons

Aug 24, 2009

2009-08-23-1800 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening August 23rd, 2009 in the 6:00 PM service.

Ref: Revelation 2:1-7; II Corinthians 12:12

Topic: Repentance

- Believers at Ephesus look like good people
- Repentance is acknowledgement that you've tried it on your own
- Apostles, prophets... do they...