Aug 31, 2006
006-08-23-1900 Perry Tuttle is the guest speaker for Wednesday
evening August 30th, 2006.
Scripture ref: Heb 11:6; Zech 6:15; Luke 9:62; Phil 3:7-9; Psa
30:1-5; 1Pet 2:21; Heb 6:14; Luke 10:1-2; Luke 10:17-20
Topic: Obedience
- David & Goliath
- Faith, Obey, Leave something, Lost, Over comer, Walk,
Me, Expec
Apr 13, 2006
2006-04-12-1900 Perry Tuttle is the guest speaker for Wednesday
evening April 12th, 2006.
Scripture ref: Nehemiah. 4:13-14; Proverbs 22:7; Luke 12:16-20; II
Kings 25:1-6
Topic: Godly Men
- Men are our future; we have abandoned our position
- 5 foundational positions in society: home, schools, marketplace,
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