Dec 12, 2008
Jul 7, 2008
2008-07-06-1830 Sunday evening service. Gene Shelton is the speaker
for this evening.
Scripture Ref: Ephesians 6; John 6
Topic: Purpose
- Clip "Facing the Giants" (not on recording)
- Our strength will fail us, but His strength will never fail
- Weakness is God's plan for His people
- The weaker I get, the...
May 19, 2008
2008-05-18-1830 Sunday evening service. Gene Shelton is the speaker
for this evening.
Scripture Ref: Psalm 20:7; Philippians 1:6-7; II Corinthians
Topic: Suffering
- God uses pressure, despair to accomplish His work in His
- It is easier, more convenient to trust and listen to wisdom of
- God...
Aug 16, 2007
2007-08-15-1900 Gene Shelton is the speaker for Wednesday evening
August 15th, 2007.
Scripture ref: James 1:4-8; Ephesians 1:10
Topic: Purpose
- I'm responsible for what I've learned
- Confusion is a device used by the enemy
- James is writing on how to act like a believer
- God maps out a path; we should...
Jul 30, 2007
2007-07-29-1830 Sunday evening service. Gene Shelton is the speaker
for this evening.
Scripture Ref:
Topic: Patience