Dec 24, 2012
2012-12-23-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this
morning December 23rd 2012 in the 8:30 service.
Scripture: Luke 2:25-34; Acts 16:11-15; I Corinthians 2:14;
3:22-23; Romans 6:23; 8:32; 11:2; James 1:17
Topic: Salvation
- Christmas is about salvation, the greatest gift ever given; many
don’t get or want it
- Simeon in the temple blessed God, Joseph and Mary
- Salvation came first to the Jews, then to the Gentiles
- Jesus was destined for the rise and fall of many...
- Jesus is offensive, stirs up; there is no way to not respond to
Jesus; either you’ll bless or curse Him; people are agitated,
- Jesus will raise you up or cause you to stumble; no one is
- All glory belongs to Him; He has done it all; we have done
- God chose a path for you, a well-designed path, orchestrated...
divine appointments...
- Natural man cannot understand the things of God; the Holy Spirit
must quicken
- He gives you eternal life... does not loan it... it is a gift