Apr 26, 2010
2010-04-25-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning April 25th, 2010 in the 8:30 service.
Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-2; Joshua 5:13; Luke 10
Topic: The Church
- When I take my eyes off Jesus I fall into sin, accumulate
weights that keep me from being/doing what God has
- We interest ourselves in temporary things while expressing love
for Jesus, working harder for culture and country than for His
- We shouldn't consider sides, evaluating people according to
- Our only cause is the cross of Christ, the gospel preached to all
- No active soldier entangles himself in everyday life
- When we choose sides we eliminate somebody
- There is one church; Jesus made Jews and Gentiles one
- Israel & Palestine
- Church’s job is not to promote politics... save America...