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Central Church Sermons

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Feb 22, 2010

2010-02-21-1030 Darrell Rice, Pastor from the Great Lakes Region of the Church of God is the guest speaker for 10:30 Sunday morning February 21st, 2008.

Scripture Ref:Acts 11:19-30; 13:1-3; I Corinthians 3:5

Topic: The Church

- All my life I've searched for the perfect church
- NT churches recognized for their failures
- 8 Characteristics of church I'm looking for: risk taking, evangelistic, fruitful, well taught, connected to larger body, generous, worshipping, mission minded
- Barnabas sought Saul to teach the people.  He taught the life of Christ, shaped doctrine, taught the people to get along...
- Parallels of marriage and church: honeymoon phase, specific irritations, general discomfort, exhaustion, separation
- The model church will have some irritations, discomfort and even separation, but in the end will stand strong in faith and grace in the presence of God