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Central Church Sermons

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Aug 28, 2006

2006-08-27-1030 Dr. Raymond Culpepper , First Assistant Overseer for the  Church of God is the guest speaker for 10:30 Sunday morning August 27th, 2006

Scripture Ref: I Chronicles 14:8-17

Topic: Breakthrough

- If you’re in a rut, depression, illness, lack of ambition; you need a breakthrough, intervention of God
- David focused on getting everything out of life possible (intentionality), had influence, left inheritance to those who followed
- Philistines: denial, destruction, distraction
- Determined by God, Embraced by us, Secured by faith, Taught by challenges, Intensified by holy spirit, Negated by disobedience, Yes to God no to Devil
- The spirit of the Philistines is still alive and is after you
- Believe in a big God. Do you serve a genie in a bottle god, sweet grandfather god, CEO god, busy dad god?
- Astronomer in Chile saw supernova 170,000 light years away. God present 170,000 years ago and still today.
- Abram in tent, God told him to go out to count the stars. Sometimes you have to get out of circumstance to see how big God is.
- Cast down imaginations (story of voice in his spirit threatening destruction).