Sep 28, 2006
2006-09-27-1900 Mike Canady is the speaker for Central on Wednesday
evening September 27th, 2006.
Scripture Ref: II
Chronicles 29:1-11, 28:19; Hebrews 9:14
Topic: Sin
- We are to be set apart, different
- Hated taking out trash as a kid
- Mud-outs in Biloxi after Katrina
- We've gotten accustomed to the trash
Sep 25, 2006
2006-09-24-1830 Pastor Loran Livingston talks this evening
September 24, 2006 in the 6:30 service about how the power of
Scripture Ref: Acts 12:1-12
Topic: Live by Prayer
- Peter imprisoned, prayed and was freed, praying church moved the
hand of God, there is power in prayer
- Too much knowledge...
Sep 25, 2006
2006-09-24-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston talks this morning
September 24, 2006 in the 10:30 service about fear.
Scripture Ref: Hebrews 11:23-29
Topic: Fear
- Moses’ parents not afraid of Pharaoh, passed faith to Moses
- Moses did not flee out of fear
- You cannot have faith and fear simultaneously
- Fear...
Sep 25, 2006
2006-09-24-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston talks this morning
September 24, 2006 in the 8:30 service about fear.
Scripture Ref: Hebrews 11:23-29
Topic: Fear
- Moses’ parents not afraid of Pharaoh, passed faith to Moses
- Moses did not flee out of fear
- You cannot have faith and fear simultaneously
- Fear keeps...
Sep 21, 2006
2006-09-20-1900 Kenny Martin is the speaker for Central on
Wednesday evening September 20th, 2006.
Scripture Ref: Psalm 91; Psalm 27:5; Proverbs 14:14, 26-27
Topic: God's Presence
- God has a secret place prepared just for you where you can rest
in Him
- We get lost in things in life: job, family, etc.
- Make God...