Mar 30, 2006
2006-03-29-1900 Jim Busker is the guest speaker for Central on
Wednesday evening March 29th, 2006.
Scripture Ref: I Cor. 3:9-15; Gal. 3:3; Matt. 22; Heb. 4:12, 12
Topic: Faith
- Jesus should be the foundation of all we do
- We can do right in appearance while in the flesh, sin
- We are types of Abraham, walking by...
Mar 27, 2006
2006-03-26-1030 Sunday morning March 26th, 2006 10:30 service.
Doug Small is the speaker for this morning.
Scripture Ref: Hebrews 11:6; Genesis 18
Topic: Prayer
- Abraham in doorway of tent, sees three men (angels), brings them
in to feed and care for them (also 8-24-05)
- Peter stepped out of boat in midst of...
Mar 27, 2006
Mar 23, 2006
2006-03-22-1900 David Hoshour is the speaker for Central on
Wednesday evening March 22nd, 2006. He continues Pastor
Livingston's study in Daniel and Revelation.
Scripture Ref: Rev. 20:7-15; II Thess. 1:9; Isaiah 57:21; Ezekiel
32:24, 22:26; Matt. 22:13, 8:12, 23:37; Gen. 18:25; Deut. 32:4;
Psalm 98:9; Rom. 1:20, 10:13; II Peter...
Mar 20, 2006
2006-03-19-1830 Pastor Loran Livingston talks this evening March
19, 2006 in the 6:30 service about blessings and brokeness.
Scripture Ref:
Topic: Blessings & Brokeness
- Feeding of multitudes
- Every gift is to be given away
- God never does as you expect; requires someone give something
- He multiplies...