2006-03-26-0830 Sunday morning March 26th,
2006 8:30 service.
Small is the speaker for this morning.
Scripture Ref: Hebrews 11:6; Genesis 18
Topic: Prayer
- Abraham in doorway of tent, sees three men (angels), brings them
in to feed and care for them (also 8-24-05)
- Peter stepped out of boat in midst of storm to be with Jesus
- We must be looking for Jesus, seeking Him in prayer
- When we seek Him in prayer, we are entertaining God
- Rewards of prayer are not the same as answer to prayer
- Prayer: David Wilkerson, Teen Challenge; The Navigators; George
McClusky, great grandfather of James Dobson (also 6-15-05)
- Story of Professor who dropped flask to prove no God, student's