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Central Church Sermons

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Jan 26, 2015

2015-01-25-1030 Mike Canady is the speaker this morning January 25th,  2015 in the 10:30 AM service.

Scripture: 2nr Corinthians 5:17; Mark 5:1-20; Luke 10:17-20; Colossians 1:12; Jeremiah 18:1; Psalms 86:15; Titus 2:11-15

Topic: Mercy

- There is no situation that you have been involved in that will cause Jesus to back...

Jan 26, 2015

2015-01-25-0830 Mike Canady is the speaker this morning January 25th,  2015 in the 8:30 AM service.

Scripture: 2nr Corinthians 5:17; Mark 5:1-20; Luke 10:17-20; Colossians 1:12; Jeremiah 18:1; Psalms 86:15; Titus 2:11-15

Topic: Mercy

- There is no situation that you have been involved in that will cause Jesus to back...

Nov 4, 2013

2013-11-02-1800 Mike Canady is the speaker this evening November 2nd, 2013 in the 6:00 service.

Scripture: Acts 20:22-24; John 16:33; Job 23:10-11; Proverbs 9:6; Hebrews 13:5

Topic: Grace


Aug 19, 2010

2010-08-18-1900 Mike Canady is the speaker for Central on E\Wednesday evening August 18th, 2010.

Scripture Ref: Luke 6:46-49

Topic: Family


May 20, 2010

2010-05-19-1900 Mike Canady is the speaker for Central on E\Wednesday evening May 19th, 2010.

Scripture Ref: II Corinthians 5:9-21; Various

Topic: Evangelism


- God has work for you to do; Moses was to lead Israel out of bondage
- God's plan & provision to redeem fallen man...
- Promise of deliverance to a...