Feb 27, 2012
2012-02-26-1800 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening February 26th, 2012 in the 6:00 service.
Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-14
Feb 27, 2012
2012-02-26-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning February 26th 2012 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture: Mark 1:12-13; Hebrews
1; 13:1-2; Psalm 34
Feb 27, 2012
2012-02-26-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning February 26th 2012 in the 8:30 service.
Scripture: Mark 1:12-13; Hebrews
1; 13:1-2; Psalm 34
Feb 20, 2012
2012-02-19-1800 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening February 19th, 2012 in the 6:00 service.
Scripture: Psalm 139:17-18; John 13:7
Topic: Fear
- Sometimes we are afraid... not necessarily due to unbelief or
doubt; we are human and things happen and we get afraid
- Fear can paralyze us
- We may know...
Feb 20, 2012
2012-02-19-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning February 19th 2012 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture: John 1:1-5;
Topic: Focus
- Fads in the church: back masking (to prove Satan is in the music
industry), angels (Charles & Francis claimed Gabriel set up
headquarters in their home), y2k,...