Feb 17, 2014
2014-02-16-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this
morning February 16th, 2014 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture: 2nd timothy 4:6-8, 17; Romans 13:14; Ephesians 4:30-32;
Genesis 45:5-8
Topic: Faith
- God has planned our race we must finish it.
- Finish what God has called us to do; leaving nothing behind
- We must fight the good fight.
- There is too much sin in the believers heart and everyday
- Sin damages you. You as a Christian cannot sin without being
- When we sin there is a sense of hopefulness. Not being able to
live the way you want to live with hopefulness, comes recklessness,
with recklessness you continue to damage yourself.
- That’s why the bible says stop sinning avoid evil forgive others
and be tender hearted.
- Tell God all about it God didn’t prevent it but He was in it God
is with you.