Jan 27, 2014
2014-01-26-1030 Pastor Lee Claypoole is the speaker this morning
January 26th, 2013 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture: John 21:3; Hebrews 6:17-19; Genesis 41:16
Topic: Fear
- You don’t know what you will do in a moment of fear.
- When it comes to failure our culture is unforgiving.
- No matter the pain you feel God has not given up on you.
- He has a plan.
- Peter denied Jesus. He felt like he could never go back to
- His mind was on what he did not on what he should have done.
- God is our anchor. When you accept Jesus, God puts an anchor deep
down in your life. This anchor is Jesus. He holds you and sustains
- We ask how in the world did Peter fall away. We all slip and
- You really don’t know what you will do in the moment. So don’t
quit on God.
- Jesus knows where you are and he is there with you.