Jan 28, 2013
2013-01-27-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning January 27th 2013 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture:Romans 8:1; Colossians 4:6; Matthew 12:36-37; James 3:8-10
Topic: Holy Living
- There are times when the un-condemned will feel condemned.
When you sin, your heart condemns you, but He has forgiven
- Story: Sandra cooking, what is missing... usually salt. The
one thing lacking in my spirit is in my speech... glorifying God
yet criticizing people
- We are supposed to be Jesus talking, relating to each other
- Salt preserves, heals, seasons; is your speech full of mercy,
- You learn more about a person by what he says about others than
what others say about him
- By your words you will be justified or condemned
- Whining, griping, complaining will not change anything, but saps
spiritual energy...
- Words are like nitroglycerin; they can blow up a bridge or heal a
man’s heart
- Ignorance yearns to speak up, put down, ridicule, accuse... we
never have all the facts
- Satan accuses; Christ intercedes. Who do you want to be
like? Refuse to accuse
- Some speak from experience; some, from experience, don’t