Jan 30, 2012
2012-01-29-1800 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening January 29th, 2012 in the 6:00 service.
Scripture: I Peter 5:6-9
Topic: Spiritual Warfare
- Pornography in the church; families falling apart
- Our enemy is not flesh and blood but people are being used;
spirit of lust taking over
- No conviction anymore. We think “He’ll forgive” instead of
fighting the good fight
- The Church is intact; the blood of Jesus still has the power
- Take up your cross and fight in the power of the Holy Spirit
- The devil highlights the negative but Jesus is still greater
- The difference in surrendering and giving up; surrender to Jesus
and cast your cares...
- Wake up. Kids are inquisitive. Your kids may be good
but still have the sin nature
- Make the decision... this home is a holy place. Be
- The adversary is roaming, seeking someone he may devour... week,
tired, sick...
- Depression is a sickness. Sin messed up the whole body
- We’re guilty of having our own revival while looking down on
- The Devil can only work where he has permission
- Stay on your knees, in the Bible and in fellowship
- Resist the devil in the faith (in Jesus); Jesus has given you all
you need