Jan 25, 2010
2010-01-24-1800 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening January 24th, 2010 in the 6:00 PM service.
Ref: Ephesians 2:8-10; Acts 27:39-28:10
Topic: Suffering
- You don’t belong to yourself; have no
say in this life the Lord has planned for you
- Saul on road to Damascus... Ananias... how much he must
- You will not reign with Him if you do not suffer with Him
- He didn't raise you up to use His gifts for your pleasure
- Paul's shipwreck; as long as you depend on anything more than on
Jesus, he will smash it
- Paul gathering sticks... snake bitten. Expected to die but
no harm came to him. God has reason for everything;
people are watching
- Anyone can hand out tracts... serve the Lord and people
- Don't put faith in people; they will disappoint.
- Publius: Paul was sent to show God through healing
- God has chosen you to suffer to show Himself to people
- You won't cruise into glory; your ship will be shattered