Apr 28, 2008
2008-04-27-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this
morning April 27th, 2008 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture Ref: Hebrews 13:5-6
Topic: Worry
- Are you troubled about something? Do you worry, doubt? It's
part of being human; drag it to God
- Greed of humanity, who can you trust? Media keeps us
stirred, no integrity in politics
- Jesus is coming again; until then things will deteriorate
- Look up, your redemption draweth nigh
- Struggle with the fatherhood of God
- You do not have to live all to pieces under the pressure
- Nothing temporary can destroy what God has done in you
- We grasp at straws, desperate to keep close what we love
- Jesus is our helper; He runs to us in our time of need. Lord help
- Sacrifice of praise. Last thing I want to do in time of