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Central Church Sermons

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Jan 28, 2008

2008-01-27-1830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening January 27th, 2008 in the 6:30 service.

Scripture Ref: John 10:1-5; Luke 24:27

Topic: The Church

 - Sheep kept in caves; sheep cannot rest with stranger present; each shepherd made a noise that his sheep recognized
 - Jesus' sheep know His voice; learn it through scripture first
 - Spirituality is not spooky; it is a confidence in the scriptures
 - People over-spiritualize
 - When the spirit moves on you, you change, forgive, repent
 - Fixation on miracles, signs, wonders; school of the prophets
 - A shepherd will lay down his life for his sheep
 - Young believers need wise counsel from experienced believers