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Central Church Sermons

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Sep 19, 2022

2022-09-18-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning, September 18, 2022 in the 10:30 AM service.

Scripture: Daniel 9:24-27; Matthew 24:36-51; Mathhew1:9; Titus 2:13; Romans 1

-Everything that God is telling us will come to pass.
-Jesus reveals that God has a plan.
-We are a privilege people who will reign with Him forever.
-So be sure that no one deceives you.
-If is not about Jesus, it is deception of some degree.
-God loves us so much that He gives us prior warning.
-What is most important than stepping in to heaven
-One day that door will be closed.
-Do what pleases God.
-Look forward for Jesus come.