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Central Church Sermons

(Audio Only)

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Feb 26, 2018

2018-02-25-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning, February 25th, 2018 in the 8:30 AM service.

Scripture: Genesis 3:1-15; Numbers 21:4-9; Revelation 12:1-9; 20:1-3

- Sinners are not what you do but what you are.
- We are born in sin.
- The serpent tries to blind the human race so they will not worship or believe God.
- The whole human race has been bitten by the serpent.
- Satan will not stop.
- The serpent has slithered into our homes, the world, and the church.
- Satan is moving through our land and we don’t even know it.
- Our life is not a game and we are not promised tomorrow.
- Think where you will spend eternity.
- There is only one God.
- Jesus is coming soon.