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Central Church Sermons

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Feb 29, 2016

160228-0830-Loran Livingston - Rivers of Living Water

2016-02-28-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning February 28th,  2016 in the 8:30 AM service.

Scripture: John 4:14 & 7:37-39; Romans 1 & 2


- Hallelujah for the living water from Heaven that satisfies us.
- A fountain of water springs up into everlasting life.
- This is salvation.
- The Holy Spirit was given after Jesus was glorified.
- Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
- If you have truly received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you will hurt for those who are lost.
- The love of God is the most powerful and life changing in this world.
- Be careful when you judge.
- The only way to be qualified to judge is if you aren’t doing anything wrong.
- If we have no sin, we deceive ourselves.
- We are called to save sinners from hell.