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Central Church Sermons

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Dec 22, 2014

2014-12-21-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning December 21st,  2014 in the 10:30 service.

Scripture: Luke 2:8-14; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9

Topic: Miracle

- We ponder the miracles of God.
- We need to watch God at work.
- God overshadowed a virgin.
- Within her body God and man became one. This is called incarnation.
- We must not forget why we are celebrating Christmas.
- Because Jesus was man, He was able to represent us to God.
- When He became a man it was for eternity.
- When we get to heaven we will not just be a spirit, we will be a man.
- Jesus will touch us.
- Jesus will lay His eyes on the reason He died.
- We will be with Jesus all eternity; no limitations; He will never leave us.
- God has chosen us. It is a miracle that God called us.
- He chose us because we had nothing. He just picks us out and blessed us, even with our faults.
- We forget so quickly what Jesus has done for us.
- This Christmas go into a room and worship God.