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Central Church Sermons

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Dec 15, 2014

2014-12-14-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning December 14th,  2014 in the 10:30 service.

Scripture: Luke 1:39-47

Topic: Tongue

- When Mary greeted Elizabeth the Jesus that was inside Mary cause something inside of Elizabeth to leap for joy.
- The Jesus that lives in us should do the power of talking, causing to have joy.
- This deduces our speech.
- We have sin problems in our country not racial problems.
- All governments are dishonest.
- Justice comes from God not man.
- Stand up and say Jesus is the justice in this world.
- Our problems will not be fixed by man because man messed it up.
- The spirit of the anti-Christ is already in this world today.
- There is no way an unsaved man can please God.
- No child of God will ever side with a child of disobedience.
- Do less running of your mouths.
- You do not need to tell everything you know.
- We need a fresh encounter with Jesus.
- This not my world. Blessed are the peace makers.
- Stop talking the problem, start talking the solution. Jesus is the solution.