Jul 29, 2013
2013-07-28-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this
morning July 28th, 2013 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture: Galatians 5:16-25; 1st John 4:17;Romans 6:33
Topic: Spiritual Living
- Christ came to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.
- We are saved by the mercy power of the Living God. He
paid for the sin of the whole world.
- To become his child is to believe in Jesus.
- 1st John 4:17 you will have boldness on the day of Judgement
because of Jesus.
- You are everything Jesus is. Before you are saved you are dead to
- When you believe in God you are a new person. The old person
- We still sin because of our old nature but the new person in
Christ does not want to sin.
- The old nature fights you every day but a day is coming when we
stand before God; saved.
- We try to kill the sin. We dwell on it instead of looking at the
- It keeps us in bondage take your eyes off of yourself; look at
- We have the assurance of salvation. Look at Jesus. See what he
did and he finished it.
- That is what blessed assurance is. Believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ and you shall be saved.
- Romans 6:3First mention of worship in the bible. Worship in the
newness of life.
- Real worship is sometimes uncomfortable. Do without something.
Because you love the Lord.
- Not my life anymore but Christ’s. A new you.
- The flesh always wants to achieve. The Spirit will always just