Mar 24, 2013
2013-03-24-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this
morning March 24th, 2013 in the 8:30 service.
Scripture: Luke 22:15-20
Topic: Passover
- The resurrection validated who He said He was
- The church began as a Jewish sect
- The Seder is the gospel being preached
- 4 cups: sanctification, deliverance (plagues, praise),
redemption, expectation (acceptance)
- Paul boasted in his weaknesses, they kept him calling on Jesus.
When we are crucified, the resurrection power of Christ is
- The cup of redemption is the cup Jesus prayed in the garden “let
this cup pass from me”
- What are you expecting? Jesus to come again, God to deliver
us, to answer prayer...
- Communion is not a ritual, a liturgy, but His body broken for
- You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus