Sep 24, 2012
2012-09-16-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this
morning September 16th 2012 in the 8:30 service.
Scripture: I Timothy 4:1; II Thessalonians 2:3; Hebrews 10:26;
6:4-6; I John 2:19; Luke 8:12-15; II Timothy 4:3; 2:12
Topic: Salvation
- Death of Ruth Storms, friend and sister in the Lord
- In every church there are people on the outskirts; they feel safe
but are not saved
- There will come a day when it is all over; there will be a
departure from the faith
- Some have been in church, can talk the talk, but have never
committed, sin willfully (habitually), believe but are not hidden
in Christ
- To be a disciple you must leave everything behind; if you do not
then you have rejected the only means to salvation
- True believers stay, abide, continue
- Parable of the seed and sower... people fall away because they...
do nothing, fall to temptation, are neglectful, heed to false
teaching (Joel Olsteen, T.D. Jakes, Oprah, Dr. Phil), are
worldly... want just enough of God but have never been broken, go
back to their old religion (Judaism, Catholicism... religions of
- If we deny Him, He will deny us
- We must have a death bed seriousness about our spiritual