Sep 10, 2012
2012-09-02-1030 Randy Smith is the guest speaker this morning
September 9th 2012 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture: Revelation 22; Genesis 3:1-7
Topic: Scripture
- Truth can be eroded, obscured, theorized, postponed, ignored
- God uses people who take His word seriously... Abraham, thief on
- In the garden, before the fall, they were happy with who they
were, but man did not take God’s word seriously... woman
entertained the question of God’s authority
- The heart of sin is when I don’t believe God is looking out for
my best interest and so I gotta look out for me... can’t trust His
- Sin always occurs in the heart before the hands
- Man’s pain comes from man’s rebellion against the Word of God
- 5 blunders: lack of trust in God’s Word, lack of clarity about
God’s Word, lack of practical living in light of God’s Word, lack
of urgent change because of God’s Word, lack of heeding God’s Word
due to feeling of entitlement