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Central Church Sermons

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Jun 11, 2012

2012-06-10-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning June 10th 2012 in the 10:30 service

Scripture: Joshua 1:5-9; I John 3:14-24

Topic: Assurance


- It is never God’s intent that you feel afraid or guilty
- Live with boldness, courage, optimism, joy
- Israel moving into the promised land was God telling us to move into an abundant life
- Nothing is supposed to intimidate you as a believer; fear is torment
- If you don’t believe God will never leave you, everything you do will be in fear
- You will never be able to do enough if it’s up to you
- When you ask, God delivers; you can count on His faithfulness
- We’re not saved by works of any degree at any time but by grace, the good news of the favor of God upon the undeserving
- This is about being a child of God, not a member of an organization
- Because we love the brethren, we know we are saved
- God is greater than your heart. Believe in Jesus and love one another
- Don’t let your heart, the church, an organization condemn you|
- People are bitter with the church, don’t want formality... as long as the gospel is preached, who cares?
- Church ought to be a place where you’re free, not obligated
- You don’t owe me anything; you only thing you owe the brethren is to love them
- This is about you and your bible and your God