Nov 28, 2011
2011-11-27-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning November 27th 2011 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture: I Timothy 6:17;
Habakkuk 3:17-19
Topic: Suffering
- God doesn’t want us to be so isolated we don’t enjoy
- God did not put us here to improve the world but to invite people
out of the world an into the kingdom
- Christian activism is not the call of the church; we are to be a
light, not enforcer
- Habakkuk asks “Why don’t you answer my prayers” and “Are you not
in control of everything?”
- Your answer is at the appointed time. Trust Him and you
will find He does answer and is in charge of everything
- If you trust God you will see it come to pass
- Your situation has nothing to do with your relationship to
- We’re supposed to be happy because we are His children; rejoice
in the Lord
- If you call yourself a Christian, your life ought to be an
enjoyable life
- Hog hunting in Alabama... man almost died from tick bite
- Your home is in more danger from a termite than a tornado
- Satan uses ticks and termites, small things that will grow...
like bitterness
- Christian suffering is a process that brings us closer to
- No one gets away with anything