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Central Church Sermons

(Audio Only)

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Sep 19, 2011

2011-09-18-1800 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening September 18th, 2011 in the 6:00 service.

Scripture: Isaiah 30:18-20; 64:4-5; John 11:15

Topic: Waiting on God


- God will never adjust His timing to your life or prayer
- Prayer is not to get God to do something but to allow Him to do something in you
- Wait for Him as He waits to bless you
- “water of affliction” and “bread of adversity” to make you depend on God
- God waits till we’re at the end of the road with nowhere to go
- God waits but is never late
- As long as your prayers have a deadline they are fleshly prayers
- Waiting room of doctor’s office... just because you made an appointment doesn’t mean you’ll be seen when you think you will
- God acts for the one who waits for Him
- You will never understand the ways of God
- God does everything according to His own will
- Surrender, trust God; you’ll have to turn off the TV, make some sacrifices