May 23, 2011
2011-05-22-1800 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening May 22nd, 2011 in the 6:00 service.
Scripture: II Corinthians 4:16-18; Isaiah 54:17
Topic: Victory
- Do not invest in the temporary; invest in the eternal
- If you want to be victorious think on God things
- Don’t lose heart... our light affliction is temporary. He’s
helping me carry it
- What I’m going through now is producing an eternal weight of
- Looking at temporary things keeps you stirred up, worried, mad,
- You feed yourself with the news... conservative doesn’t mean
- I’m not interested in political party; we are supposed to be
- Christians will spread light, tell the truth, love enemies, have
compassion for sinners, feed the hungry, build a house for the
homeless... reach out beyond yourself
- Look at things that are not seen; Elisha’s servant saw they were
surrounded by the Syrians... Elisha prayed “God, open their
eyes...they are looking at what is seen”
- Those who are for you far outnumber those who are against you