Mar 28, 2011
2011-03-27-1800 Jason York, Central's youth pastor,
delivers the message this evening March 27th, 2011
Scripture Ref: Romans 12:9-13; Psalm 37; 65; Acts 6; 11; 12;
Hebrews 10:24-25
Topic: The Church
- The purpose of the church is NOT to get people saved,
healed, delivered or reconciled to family/friends, missions,
evangelism, to care for the needy, to praise & worship...
- Purpose of the church IS the edification of the saints; when this
is happening, the other things will also happen
- We are all destitute sometime
- We put the pressure on our pastor to edify... we are all supposed
to edify one another.
- If someone has a need, someone else should meet that need
- This requires personal contact with other human beings
- Snap judgments; Story of judgement based on one side of phone
conversation in NY
- For people to know our love is sincere, what our devotion and
honor is, to share and be shared with, to show hospitality... we
must build relationships.
- We must challenge one another to do good things
- Sometimes love waxes cold but it doesn’t make you any less called
to do it.
- Jesus loved so He went.