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Central Church Sermons

(Audio Only)

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Sep 27, 2010

2010-09-26-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning September 26th, 2010 in the 10:30 service.

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1

Topic: Holy Living


- Bible not originally divided into chapter & verse
- Paul heard Thessalonians were suffering then got a good report
- 3 proofs of salvation: faithful work, loving deeds, enduring hope
- Thessalonians preaching the word everywhere they went; reputation of hospitality and of radical change... turned from idols to God
- God is not into symbols but pure relationship with Jesus
- We must deny one faith to declare another, not mixing faiths
- What have you turned from that makes people talk
- The line of distinction between the world and church is blurred
- The church is known for begging and scandal
- No such thing as a Christian business; Christians must act like Jesus when conducting business
- There ought to be a marked difference in my life when I meet Jesus
- Come out of the world system or share in its sin and the wrath
- Most preaching prepares people to stay... getting more to live better