2010-05-23-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this
morning May 23rd, 2010 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-2; Romans 6:11-14
Topic: Sin
- Stationary I-beam; criminal carried cross the cross beam
- Jesus' crucifixion was the greatest insult... act of
- Sin started when Lucifer rebelled, started the kingdom of I
- Jesus crossed out the kingdom of I; cross became the
- The cross is the plan of God
- Because of sin, God turned His back on Jesus; because of
righteousness, the world turned their backs on Jesus
- Hall of faith: their sins unmentioned in N.T... focus on their
- You will fall but He will forgive you; when we sin we run to
- Sin defeated but it is not dead, has the power to deceive
- Military police have authority over military but not over
citizens just as sin has no authority over the saved
- We have the power to evaluate sin and choose not to indulge
- Lions cannot defeat flies; we are conquerors but cannot be rid of
- Backsliding, legalism. We cannot make people holy with
- We are made a new creation when we look to the cross of Jesus