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Central Church Sermons

(Audio Only)

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Oct 26, 2009

2009-10-25-1800 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening October 25th, 2009 in the 6:00 PM service.

Ref: II Corinthians 12:9-10

Topic: Evangelism

- We're not called to give theological response but to be a witness
- Story of Waffle House
- God sends people to you.  It doesn’t matter where you are or how you’re dressed and doesn’t require a prepared sermon
- People need to see sincere people who've found hope
- Don’t be too religious (too Christian)... cannot relate to people
- We’ve all been on the bottom; be transparent
- Love them, pray for them, be their friend (don't become snooty)
- You don't want to tarnish your testimony, but don't be high minded
- Story of funeral... old friends still searching
- Don't ever be ashamed where you came from
- Don't look down on anyone.  They're just like you.
- This is for common man.