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Central Church Sermons

(Audio Only)

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Mar 23, 2009

2009-03-22-1730 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening March 22nd, 2009 in the 5:30 PM service.

Ref: Revelation 19:1-8; Ephesians 5:25-27; James 1:27

Topic: Obedience


- Church attendance picked up with economic crisis because people upset over assets, not sin
- Pressure against Israel increases everyday
- Supper of the Lamb prepared for those who diligently sought to please Him
- 10 parallels between the exodus and rapture
- If not troubled by this world, we've grown accustomed, then not seeking deliverance
- He's not coming back for a worldly church
- I’m a breath away from eternity; it's time to stop playing church