Jul 28, 2008
2008-07-27-1830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening
July 27th, 2008 in the 6:30 service.
Scripture Ref: Hebrews 13:15
Topic: Praise
- A sacrifice takes the life out of something
- When praise is sacrificially given, power is released, chains
fall off
- Story of man in church with cell phone, calling so family could
- God didn't save you to be comfortable, but to be a comfort
- If you're saved then you’re where God wants you right now
- There is comfort in the middle of the storm
- When you praise and don’t feel like it, devil accuses you of
- Praise in spite of; when trials come there is peace
- Jesus did not die to solve your problems, but to save your
- Paul and Silas in prison praising
- When souls are saved, someone must suffer for it
- What God is doing for someone else through your pain