Apr 24, 2008
2008-04-23-1900 Jim Busker is the speaker for Central on Wednesday
evening April 23rd, 2008.
Scripture Ref: Hebrews 12:15-29; Exodus 19:1-8; Jeremiah 31:31-33;
Acts 2:1-4
Topic: Holy Living
- Israel at Mt. Sinai, chosen by God because…
- Israel unfaithful to God, but God is faithful and will complete
the work
- Rebellion at Korah
- Jesus sent the Spirit
- Day of Pentecost, disciples in upper room
- Peter denied, Thomas doubted; after the spirit came, the
disciples would turn the world upside down
- The Holy Spirit changes people completely
- He is a consuming fire
- Pray that everything not usable in my life will be removed