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Central Church Sermons

(Audio Only)

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Oct 25, 2007

2007-10-24-1900 Walt Wiley is the speaker for Central on Wednesday evening October 24th, 2007.

Scripture Ref: Luke 12:42; Luke 16:2; Luke 12:37; Matthew 18:33; Matthew 18:28

Topic: Stewardship

- Principles of stewardship from the parables of Jesus Christ
-- God places people in areas of responsibility
-- God expects us to be responsible for what he entrusts to us
-- God gives us freedom to control what he entrusts to us
-- God is especially aware of how we treat other people
-- Do not use our position as a steward for our own benefit
-- One day we will be held accountable for our stewardship
- Mr. Lanborn, Lambchop and Muffin (a story)