Jul 23, 2007
2007-07-22-1830 Rabbi Sam Nadler is a guest speaker for Central
Church of God for the 6:30 evening service July 22nd, 2007. Pastor
Livingston speaks briefly.
Scripture Ref: Exodus 3:1-10; 4:1-11
Topic: Evangelism
- Moses and burning bush; Moses being prepared; we're purified
through trials
- We're more comfortable with the sheep than to be telling others
- Moses had false humility in 'who am I?' true humility says
'yes Lord'
- Recognize we're sinners and by His grace we will serve
- Look at your failure and then at His ability
- We are to be Instruments of His Grace
- God is not limited by our limitations
- We claim inadequacy, ignorance, incredibility
- Moses’ staff turned to snake pick up by tail while still a
snake; involve yourself while it’s still difficult