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Central Church Sermons

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Aug 28, 2006

2006-08-27-1830 Greg Baker is the speaker for 6:30 Sunday evening August 27th, 2006

Scripture Ref: Jonah 2; Mark 8:13-21; Joshua 4

Topic: Faithfulness

- Absent minded professor: loses keys everywhere
- Jonah carried the truth, disobeyed and was quarantined in fish because he forgot God’s goodness
- In the temple, blood for blood sets men free
- Pharaoh, a wicked ruler, forgot God’s power after each plague
- Disciples forgot to take bread, forgot to trust Jesus
- We look in the mirror then forget what we look like
- We forget easily because we are finite
- After the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, God told them to build a memorial with 12 stones to remember what the Lord had done
- Exhort one another, comfort one another