Jul 24, 2006
2006-07-23-1830 Sunday evening service. Dr. Robert Spence, president of Evangel
University is the speaker for this evening. The complete title of
this sermon is: Have You Received the Holy Spirit Since You
Scripture Ref: Acts 19:1-7; Romans 8:26-27; Luke 11
Topic: Baptism of The Spirit
- Pentecostals believe that after salvation comes the Baptism of
the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues.
- The first Pentecostal churches came together by people
congregating who shared common experiences with the Holy Spirit
- Billy Graham speaking to college students, cut message short,
message completed through student by the Spirit
- Story of woman 100 years ago, moved by the Spirit, moved to New
Orleans, God led her to others, poured out Spirit
- Some expressions are our attempt to express what we are feeling
in the spirit, but are not the power of the spirit
- The Spirit gives power to be an effective witness and live