Jun 19, 2006
2006-06-18-0830 Dr.
Paul Walker, Secretary General for the Church of God is
the guest speaker for 8:30 Sunday morning June 18th, 2006
Scripture Ref: Eph 6:22-33; I Cor 13:13
Topic: Christian Family
- History of Father’s Day, today the family is under attack
- Satan is the defeated foe, his only place in our lives is under
our feet
- Paul’s writing to Corinth, a church in trouble, need holy spirit
- Need love, joy, peace in the home, brought by faith, hope and
- Faith is a lifestyle, obvious differences between a believer and
- What makes a Godly father: (10 things)
- We tend to live our lives by the way we feel
- Hope is desire + expectation, sustains us, will praise Him in all
circumstances (letter from man who learned this)
- Love-eros, pheleo, agape
Story of boy in scout troop in poor mill village
- Testimonies: Paul Chabai, Taji Scott
- Prayer for Dennis & Betsy Steinmetz (with video)
- Prayer for Youth Chicago Mission Team
- CYC Rhythm (Step team)
- Percussion Team
- Short message by Jason York