Jun 1, 2006
2006-05-31-1900 David Hoshour is the speaker for Central on
Wednesday evening May 31st, 2006.
Scripture Ref: I John 5:13; Heb. 9:27, 10:14; Rom. 8:15, 6;
Philippians 1:6; John 6:37
Topic: Assurance
- Once saved always saved vs. loss and regaining of salvation
- Eternal life, once for man to die and then judgement
- Serve Christ out of love, spirit of adoption, not fear of
- Fear of a father’s discipline, should fear God, but not
- Salvation: eternal, new creation (old man is dead), by grace not
works, Jesus promised to keep us.
- People can do a really good imitation of serving the Lord
- Don’t confuse having holy spirit (as at salvation) with baptism
(a gift)
- Metaphor: fireman saving woman from rooftop, Christ holds onto