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Central Church Sermons

(Audio Only)

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May 25, 2006

2006-05-24-1900 Evan Albertyn is the speaker for Central on Wednesday evening May 24th, 2006.

Scripture Ref: Ex. 9:14; Is. 46:9-10; Jer. 49:19; Gen. 3:5; Matthew 4:19, 8:21-22, 9:9, 13:44, 16:24, 19:16-22; Heb. 11:6; John 13:36, 10:27-30

Topic: Following Christ

- We feel pressure to be like Jesus, but we can never be like Him
- The seduction in the garden was that they would become like God
- To be like Him, we we’d take glory for ourselves, would not need Him
- We are instructed to follow Him, as disciples, become fishers of men
- “My sheep know My voice,? Keep our eyes on Jesus, off of ourselves
- We complicate Christianity, we simply need to follow Him, I cannot do it, but I’ll read and follow
- Jesus told rich man to sell everything and follow-about idolatry, wrapped up in possessions
- We must believe that Jesus is worth more than what we have to give up, He should be the treasure of our heart